Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Kind of Embarrassed!

I have to admit that McCain's speech last night was amazing, but I was absolutely EMBARRASSED to be from Arizona. The crowd and their "booing" was a ridiculous way to end a really well fought race. McCain was begging them to accept Obama as their leader and being totally mature (I thought one of the best concession speeches of all time!), while the crowd just carried on and did their own thing. Granted, I know a lot of people there were visitors from other states and what not, BUT the majority of the people who live here, supported his campaign, so most likely they were there as well. I can only hope that I would be ever so gracious if I were to lose an election.


Karen said...

It was a little upsetting to hear the booing, but I believe that riots would have broken out if McCain had won. I think they crowd handled it the best way they could at the time. Disappointment and defeat is not an easy pill to swallow.

I agree - his concession speech was very good.

Colleen said...

OOooh, you are so right, and I totally said that to Pat last night. I was like, "Wouldn't want to be at Grant Park if he lost!" Good point!

Mr. Joey said...

his class showed in the end, after a squalid campaign that he foolishly agreed to run.

Karissa said...

Okay, not even gonna touch the squalid comment...I agree with you Col, his speech was great, I think people really let their emotions take over in situations like this. Almost feeling like they are betraying their party by supporting the other. Seems silly to me :)

Cynthia said...

The booing really put him in an awkward spot and I thought he handled it with dignity and grace. I agree with you his speech was great.