Saturday, December 19, 2009

Proof is in the Post

I posted LAST YEAR about how I was going to spend Christmas on a cruise ship this year. Needless to say, I am NOT, but I was interested in finding it because this morning my facebook status said that NEXT YEAR I am spending Christmas on a cruise ship. I don't know what it is about the holidays, but it sure brings out the crazy in people! We haven't even touched on a discussion yet about what time Christmas Eve dinner will be served, cause of last year's Christmas debacle! It is just too much CHAOS for one girl to handle. I had a nice evening planned last night, and of course, there was an issue, so I spent my night mad, woke up mad, and keep thinking about how I really should not have to be dealing with these things! Even the mimosas I have had while doing laundry have not helped to take the edge off. . .I think it is time to move on to something a little stiffer or become Jewish and never speak of Christmas again.

Where is it warm in December, going to start planning now, but I am not very good with the whole geography thing!???


Anonymous said...

I hear you. I wish I could just take off to some tropical place or even Florida (Sanibel Island, carribean,) any where through Feb. I hate that when the temp. drops it causes the crazies to come out- especially when they drive. Oh! And don't get me started on the nutzos on my side and my husband's side of the family. Everyone wants their way but is unwilling to compromise at all. Don't you worry though-- I am still expected to cook and clean regardless where we go or who comes to us! Drives me crazy!

Cynthia said...

San Diego is warm. it was 80 yesterday :)

Carrie said...

Robin and I spent our first Christmas together in Key West. There were so few people on the beach, I wondered why everyone didn't go south for Christmas?!?! A cruise would be ideal! No cleanup!