Monday, November 16, 2009

Holiday Drama

When I was younger, I used to think that my family was unique in that we fight over everything! I was embarrassed by this, and I would try to keep it on the down low! However, as I grow up, I am learning that we are NOT unique, every family has their own drama, and I really have NOTHING to be embarrassed about. I met the cutest elderly lady at Target the other day, she was my cashier. We started chatting about getting ready for the holidays, the drama, the fighting, etc. She told me that her family once had a fight over how the Christmas tree should be decorated. Then, she whispered a little "secret", "If you have a glass of wine before the start of the party, it will all seem a little easier to deal with!"

I would have to say that our biggest family fight, probably happened over Easter when Pat and I lived in San Antonio, but our biggest Christmas fight was probably over what time to eat Christmas Eve dinner.

What has your biggest Christmas fight been over? Maybe this will help bring some realization to how stupid these fights are and bring some relaxation to the holiday season.

PS-I obviously do not know how to spell the word embarrassed!!!! It came up twice during spell check, and then, I had to check it again after I typed the PS! That's kind of funny!


Micaila said...

Well the biggest fight-which is still a feud to this day-occured during a Christmas celebration that occured before Christmas. It had to do with my aunt insisting that they have "Christmas" at their house, beforehand because they were not going to be around for the traditional Xmas eve gathering. Then, she gave a regift to practically everyone(even going so far as to regift it back to the original giver-my grandma- with a statement that "I just didn't like it-but knew you did-so Happy Birthday[the birthday was near the time of the gathering]", she then tried to return all the gifts that she and her children had received. Basically she got caught because she tried to return them where she thought they were from, and grandma's best friend worked, and when the store wouldn't take them back, she proceded to drop the friends name and make a big ol' scene. That was probably 4 or 5 years ago and they still don't talk. Stupid and sad, but there you have it. It was also this same year where my dad, MY OWN DAD!, gave my cousins (who aren't that much younger than me) about $400 worth of gift cards and gave me nothing that year. He wasn't mad at me-just tacky as heck. Getting nothing but a card would have been perfectly cool-if everyone got nothing. There is no rift, it's all good now, but I still remember it. How's THAT for family drama!?

the swope family said...

My family just has drama. We don't need the holidays to bring it out! HAHA!!!

Claire said...

We had LOTS of drama and fights over the holidays when I was a kid. Though I don't recall what about exactly. But I know it was almost.every.year! Mostly just people drinking way too much and telling each other off. Awesome!

These days, we try to mostly go with the flow - and stay away from extended family gatherings! LOL!

Relizra said...

Ok so I just have to add my two cents. Unfortunately, my side of the family consists of basically my mother and me (with a recent addition of a step father) and growing up holidays were often a very sad time. When it was just the two of us, making a big dinner, decorating the tree, etc. just seemed sort of empty some how. Instead of being happy and excited about the holidays it was very apparent that our family was very, very, small. So, I have to say that having a large or even just a medium sized family with all the drama that comes along with it is SOOOO much better than not having it at all. I realize that its always greener on the other side or whatever, but at least when you really need em' there always there for you (in most cases). Sometimes just having them around is better than nothing at all...

Jennifer Weworski said...

Our biggest fight is over whether Santa wraps presents. I grew up with just my brother and I and since we are 4 years apart it was obvious who's presents were who's so Santa didn't wrap anything. BJ grew up with a total of 6 kids (3 boys & 3 girls) so Santa wrapped everything. Since I do all the Christmas work (including giving birth on Christmas day) I choose to not wrap... I only have 2 kids and it's obvious who gets what. Even after 13 years of kids, we still fight about it every year. (I always win:o)

Karissa said...

I love it Swope Family! I feel that same way :)

I would have to say that our biggest drama came when my dad got remarried in 01 (or 02) and they broke the tradition of him, myself, and my brother sleeping on my Grandparents' Living room floor on Christmas Eve. We had been doing this for as long as I can remember and all the sudden, just because "she" didn't want to sleep on the floor, the tradition was dunzo! Needless to say, my brother and I did it anyway, trying to prove a point. Because I'm such a drama queen, I went to bed bawling, called him, and made him promise to be there before I woke up in the morning. He was :)

Now I enjoy starting our own traditions with Josh and the kids. I'm sure it's only a matter of time before it's drama ;)


Colleen said...

Karissa, I remember this like it was yesterday, I also remember the Valentine's Countdown to see if your dad would remember the roses, OF COURSE HE DID! LOVE YOU!

Thanks for sharing everyone, makes me feel somewhat normal!

Lisa Rader said...

In response to Karissa, I have to defend myself and correct your memory...The Christmas you are referring to was when we were dating and the choices for him were a cold floor or my warm bed. Now that you have found your get it.

If you are referring to the first Christmas after we were weren't here?

Karissa said...

LMAO! Dates are pretty irrelevant to the actual situation!! Hopefully you feel that same way and you will be understanding when Kiera chooses to sleep in her boyfriends bed, as opposed to her bed at your house on Christmas Eve in 15 years...LOL!

For the record, I NEVER was NOT home for Christmas...EVER!!

I still love you wouldn't be the same without you, that's for sure ;)