Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Big B, Little B, what begins with B?

Bowling and Bears! Today, Jackson and I had a GREAT TIME going to Michael's to shop for googly eyes for his bear, and he decided that he wanted the bear to have eyebrows (SEE, I do let him participate), so we picked up some stuff for that as well! Then, it was off to bowl. Jackson got a STRIKE, and he was super excited. I got one right after him, so we decided that it was the magical cheese sticks that we had just eaten which enabled us to get the strikes! Good times had by all! I am also including a picture of how the bear looks like as of today, so that by the time it is done, you will all be so impressed with how far "we" have come!


Anonymous said...

That is a funny looking bear cutout with some FANCY buttons. I love the eyebrows. Can't wait to see the finished product!

Katie Thomson said...

Ridiculous! As a teacher, I have to say that I am disappointed and you are one of those parents that we don't like because now we have to do all our projects during school time because we don't want the projects coming back looking like the PARENTS did them! Ugh!

Colleen said...

OMG! You should do the projects at school, are you freaking kidding me!?? I think I might just take your picture off the bear for that comment!

Cynthia said...

how funny that you guys went bowling, Madeleine requested we go this week! how random is that?!